Extension Settings#

This extension contributes the following settings:


Root directory of the reST sources (where sphinx conf.py and index.rst reside). This is an absolute path!


Path to the build directory of sphinx. Inside this build directory the file needs/needs.json is expected. This file is created using using the sphinx-needs builder


Python path used to install Open-Needs-IDE:needls. Default system python path /usr/bin/python will be used if this setting is not configured.


Custom configuration file path like conf.py. This can an absolute path or relative path! It’s optional, default is conf.py in document root.

Supported variables#

Open-Needs IDE supports the usage of template variables, which get replaced during runtime.

Example: ${workspaceFolder}/docs/_build

The following variables are supported:


root folder of the currently opened workspace (since 0.0.14)


Inside a .vscode/settings.json file a configuration can look like:

  "needls.docsRoot": "${workspaceFolder}/docs"
  "needls.buildPath": "${workspaceFolder}/docs/_build/need",
  "needls.pythonPath": "${workspaceFolder}/.venv/bin/python",
  "needls.confPath": "${workspaceFolder}/docs/conf.py",

Settings menu#

The configuration can also be done in the “settings menu” of VS Code (Strg + ",").


Known Issues and Limitations#

  • restructured text files defining needs must have .rst file extension

  • the extension loads and parses a needs.json. Only one needs.json file is supported per vscode workspace.