Open-Needs WebApp#


work in progress



user documentation


Open-Needs WebApp shall provide a simple user interface to find, read and analyse need objects.


To get an easy overview about existing needs and make fast searches, a simple WebApp is needed.

As Open-Needs is general focusing on making need based information available in as many system as possible, Open-Needs WebApp is only one of several solutions.

It may be the starting point for a more complex WebApp in future, to be used as the base for a SaaS solution.

Technology Stack#

  • React


Open-Needs WebApp shall be extensible for some specific function collections. E.g. the representations (tabs in the mockup) can be extended.

The goal is that an Open-Needs extension, can provide new features for backend and/or frontend.

Functional Mockup#

The mockups only show the functional aspects. They are no proposal for a final graphical design ;)

Main page#

This is the most important page and shall be used also as entry page.

It shall provide all needed technical features:

  • Authentication

  • Project selection

  • Filtering

  • Need objects representation

The manipulation of need objects shall be done by a side-menu, which drops out when a single need is selected.

Bulk changes shall be not supported in the first versions.

scale 2
     {* Open-Needs WebApp  }
     { **User**: | Mister X | [ Logout ] }
     { **Selector**: |^organization^ | / | ^project^ | }
     { **Filter**: | "version=='1.0 and status=='open'"}
     {/ **Cards** | Table | List | Flowchart | Piechart}
         {+ **Need #1**
             some content
         } | {+
             **Need #2**
             some content
         } | {+
             **Need #3**
             some content
         } | {+
             **Need #4**
             some content

             **Need #5**
             some content
         } | {+
             **Need #6**
             some content




GET /#

Shows the main page.


GET /(str: org_id)/#

Shows the main page with the selected organization from the url


GET /(str: org_id)/(str: project)#

Shows the main page with the selected organization and project from the url


GET /(str: org_id)/(str: project)?filter=#

Shows the main page with the selected organization and project from the url

Query Parameters
  • filter – An Open-Needs Query Language (ONQL) string



For ideas and discussions going into details, please create a specific ticket on our github project.

For any other short information, feel free to add a comment.